German Intermediate (B1) - semi

Intensive German lessons in Hamburg -

You have already learned a lot about the German language, you can talk about yourself and others, you can explain simple facts and procedures and you can express and justify your own opinion. Now you would like to progress further - linguistically, professionally as well as concerning your social contacts. In this German course, you will learn to express yourself better and improve your comprehension by working with realistic texts and situations taken from the world of leisure, work and everyday life.

Suitable for

Adults with an intermediate knowledge of German who want to get prepared for the TELC test or who simply want to deepen their knowledge in an online, hybrid or face-to-face course – in a central location in Hamburg.

Which German course is right for me?

How many years did you learn this language at school?

Did you have this language as an advanced course?

Have you lived in a country where this language is used? For how many months?

Have you used this language in your studies?

Do you sometimes speak (or did you use to speak) the language?

Are you interested in this language mainly privately or for job reasons?

Learning aims

  • You will refresh your grammar and vocabulary and learn important phrases.
  • You will further improve your grammatical knowledge of German so that you build a solid basic knowledge
  • You will create your own texts in writing exercises about practical topics
  • Role-playing activities and sketches will help you practise typical conversations in everyday situations
  • More challenging topics will also be discussed – in accordance with your group’s wishes and requirements
  • Our German course is also a good training for the TELC language test
  • After 18 course dates, you can continue to develop your knowledge and skills in German - for as long as you like!

Your success in the German B1 course

With your enhanced German skills, not only will new job opportunities open up for you, you will also enjoy public and cultural life much more and meet new people. Learning German is an investment that definitely pays off.

All facts: German course Intermediate B1

nur 114.00 € mtl. (3 Gebühren), einmalig 33.00 € Materialgeb. mehr ...
Max. 14 Teilnehmer pro Deutschkurs
3 Monate, 18 mal, jeweils Montags und Dienstags, jeweils 6 UStd./Woche, dann fortlaufend, solange Sie wollen mehr ...
Sprachkurs-Flatrate mehr ...
Außer in den Schulferien mehr ...
Wiederholungs-Garantie mehr ...
Fortlaufende Deutschkurse mehr ...
Inkl. Zertifikat, Deutschbuch & Folgebücher mehr ...

Wählen Sie einen unserer Standorte

BergedorfHarburgMeiendorfCity NordAltonaEideltedtStandortkarte für unsere Sprachschulen und Computerschulen in Hamburg
Aufgrund geringer Nachfrage kann für den Kurs German Intermediate (B1) nur eine Anmeldung für die Warteliste erfolgen.
Bitte rufen Sie uns an unter Tel: 040/48 50 99-26 oder kontaktieren Sie uns über unsere Kontaktseite

Teilnehmerbewertungen Deutschkurs Wiedereinsteiger (A2 - B1)

1 Bewertung
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Deutschkurs intensiv in Hamburg 13. Dezember 2022
von Deutsch anfänger
Das war ein supper unterricht in deutsch. Besonders gut war das es Deutsch intensiv kurs war John