Bücher zur Didaktik - Ideengeber für den kreativen Sprachunterricht
Lehrwerke des Vereins für berufliche Weiterbildung e.V. zur Didaktik - für den erfolgreichen Sprachunterricht !

Lessons from the learner
The Hamburg Language Teaching Methodology Series
This series provides language teachers with a wide choice of activities which are clearly structured and can be easily applied in the classroom.
About this book: Simple grammar activities to practise grammar in a personalised way to make people share their opinions and experiences and thus enables them to really communicate using the newly learnt grammatical structures.
The Hamburg Language Teaching Methodology Seriesoffers English teachers an array of inspiring and practicable ideas for your language classes. It provides language trainers with a wide choice of easy-to-use activities which can be utilized for lesson plans or seen as a starting point for discussions in English classes. Resembling ‘recipes’ in cookery books, our publications are clearly structured and their contents can be easily applied. The activities have been designed by competent teacher trainers and have been effectively tested in English classes. Our books can be used for teaching any foreign language, even though they were originally written for ESL teachers. Some of our publications are also helpful for language teacher trainers.
Lessons from the Learner - Student-generated activities for the language classroom
Can language learners produce their own study materials? Yes, and there are good reasons why they should. Lessons from the Learner empowers students to produce and work on their own materials and frees teachers from materials preparation. The classroom becomes a place where language evolves unpredictably within a framework provided by the teacher. Lessons from the Learner:
• gives teachers a fresh outlook to add to their teaching
• uses an easy to follow ‘recipe’ format
• is suitable for groups of any level, size and age
• provides many activities relevant to ESP teaching
• is invaluable for teacher trainers in countries where teachers have insufficient books, materials or preparation time
Lessons from the Learner gives students the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and enthusiasms to the classroom and increases student and teacher motivation. Sheelagh Deller is a freelance teacher and teacher trainer and works regularly for Pilgrims, the British Council, Verein für berufliche Weiterbildung and other organisations.
Authors: Sheelagh Deller Published by Verein für berufliche Weiterbildung e.V., 2008 Price: € 19.80
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Grammar in Action Again
The Hamburg Language Teaching Methodology Series
This series provides language teachers with a wide choice of activities which are clearly structured and can be easily applied in the classroom.
About this book: Can language learners produce their own study materials? Yes, and there are good reasons why they should. Lessons from the Learner empowers students to produce their own materials and frees teachers from materials preparation. The activities are suitable for groups of any level.
The Hamburg Language Teaching Methodology Series provides a range of practical, innovative ideas for the language classroom. It offers teachers a selection of readymade activities which can be used as the basis for lessons or as a departure point for classroom development and discussion. Written in ‘recipe’ format, the books are clearly presented and easy to use. All the activities have been developed by experienced teachers and have been tried and tested in the classroom. Although written with reference to the teaching of English, the books are applicable to the teaching of any language. Some titles are also useful to language teacher trainers.
Grammar in Action Again - Awareness activities for language learning
Now in an expanded edition, with 40 new activities ready for class use, this classic resource book will meet the needs of both a new generation of users and faithful followers of the first edition. In this volume, the authors have incorporated the latest developments in their thinking and practice, while retaining their characteristic style, to ensure personal, productive and above all, enjoyable classroom interaction. All the key elements of elementary and intermediate level grammar are practised in contexts which engage students in meaningful and communicative activities.
- 40 additional activities in recipe format
- Key areas of grammar practised
- New, clearer arrangement of material
- Easy access to material via grammar index, index of level and comprehensive lists of activities.
Authors: Christine Frank and Mario Rinvolucri Published by Verein für berufliche Weiterbildung e.V., 2008 Price: € 19.80
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Unsere Buchreihe
Unsere Sprachschule beschäftigt ausschließlich qualifizierte Sprachdozenten bzw. -dozentinnen mit Berufserfahrung in der Erwachsenenbildung. Seit etlichen Jahren bieten wir auch verschiedene Fortbildungen für Sprachlehrer und –lehrerinnen an, teilweise auch für Sprachlehrer aus dem europäischen Ausland, gefördert durch Mittel der Europäischen Union (Erasmus+ Programm). Unser didaktischer Ansatz, der den Lernenden sowie seine Wünsche und Bedürfnisse in den Mittelpunkt des Unterrichtsgeschehens stellt und seine aktive Teilnahme am Unterricht fördert, spiegelt sich auch in den Büchern wieder, die der Verein für berufliche Weiterbildung e.V. unter dem Titel „The Hamburg Language Teaching Methodology Series“ vertreibt.
In „Lessons from the Learner“ wird besonders die Rolle der Kursteilnehmer im fremdsprachlichen Unterricht behandelt. Als reichhaltiger Ideengeber umfasst das Werk eine Anzahl praktischer Beispiele dafür, wie der Sprachlehrer die Schüler an der Gestaltung des Unterrichts beteiligen kann. Diese Beispiele können von Dozenten aller Fremdsprachen und für die unterschiedlichsten Levels angewendet werden.
Sprachen lernt man vor allem durch Sprechen, also durch konkrete Anwendung des zuvor praktisch Erlernten. „Grammar in Action Again“ zeigt, wie man über mechanische Grammatikübungen in den einschlägigen Werken hinaus die Schüler zu einer aktiven und natürlichen Produktion des grammatischen Stoffes bringt, mit einem thematischen Index versehen, mit dem der Sprachlehrer schnell kreative und praktische Übungen findet, die zum jeweiligen grammatischen Unterrichtsstoff passen. Die kreativen Aktivitäten umfassen nicht nur zusätzliche grammatische Praxis, sondern fördern auch die Motivation der Kursteilnehmer.